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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Phone Bills and mangoes

I've been neglecting this blog. Unfortunately things aren't going to get much better. The phone bills are in for February. The downloads were about 4 GB of which only 1 was free. The total bill came up to 4000 bucks. Not good. Also my cell bill came to 2000. Also not good.

These days I'm planning to go online only between 2 am and 8 am. If I can stick to that it wouldn't do much good this month cos I'm already almost upto 2 GB, but if I don't do it, things will be much much worse. I think these things are subtle reminders that I'm still dependent on my parent's for money. That's the worst part of it all.

Mango season is here. Dada almost fell off the tree today. Steff managed to put the ladder back under his feet so he didn't have to hold on too long. As it is his arm is hurting. Like he said, "85 kilos on one arm is a LOT".