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Friday, July 21, 2006

Let Down...

Since the block on blogspot by the Indian Govt., I'd decided to write a long incredibly rude post about how stupid their whole goof up was. Only problem... I was too sleepy yesterday and mistakenly assumed the blockade would last a couple of days more. Turns out they wimped out sooner than I thought. Or corrected their technical problems... whatever. Doesn't really matter to me. Only effect is that a great rant went unexpressed. What a loss to the online community....sigh... [:D]

Anyway, I have to admit I'm kinda glad that everything's working fine once again. If I'd gotten mad at this govt. too there'd be no one left to root for. This way the worst they can be accused of are good intentions and bad execution.

Though, come to think of it, they do say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hmmm... that usually applies to my life too, so I'm gonna give the govt. the same benefit of the doubt I give myself. :D