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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Evil Editor

Came across a blog called 'Evil Editor'. It's great. Scary but great. The 'Evil Editor' accepts queries from aspiring authors and then cuts them to bits. Fun for all the readers of the blog but probably torture for the 'writers'.
I'm glad I changed my 'top' occupation from 'writer' to 'editor'. It looks like it's a lot more fun cutting up other people's books. Writing is too personal. It must be fun reading submissions from others and smirking 'cos you 'know' you can do so much better. If I actually submitted something I wrote to EE I'd have to come down to earth and start digging a grave to bury one of my fondest dreams.

I would recommend this blog to anyone out there who believes that he/she has the potential to write a best seller.

Enjoy :)


Anonymous said...

This guy is hilarious! You should definately submit something ;>

KD13 said...

I will... someday. Just as soon as I win a few bravery awards for even considering it! :)