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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Giant Pubis

I got the following in the mail and was fascinated. Real life is really weirder than fiction. It's easily found on google so I have no qualms about putting it up.

But... for those who found the Luis Royo picture 'sleazy' or inappropriate... please read no further!

The police of Los Angeles had a lot of fun last year, when they were filling out papers to register a series of car accidents. As it turned out, drivers were losing control and running into other vehicles because of a giant picture of woman's pubis, which they could see displayed on the front part of an oncoming car.

The LA police started desperately looking for the unfortunate pubis and came upon the tracks of a young hairdresser named Nelly Node. Nelly's passion for arts made the young woman photograph her own crotch and put the zoomed picture on her Volkswagen Beetle. Nelly decided to use such a shameless method to prepare her college course work, in which she analyzed the art of design.

The witty student's idea worked for the college professors: she was proudly driving her "pubic beetle" until the police arrested the woman. The court ruled that Nelly's car was creating a dangerous situation on the roads: the girl had to paint over her car's hood. Here's a picture of her VW "before" she had to repaint it.


sudden_sue said...

I'm surprised I'm the first to be commenting.

But then I don't know wht to say!

Hmm.. very creative of her. [will that do?]

[Come to think of it I may be the only person to comment!]

Unknown said...

Why, in my day cars were modest and left something to the imagination, but these darned new cars just take off their tops and let everything flap in the breeze!

They have no respect for themselves or their bodies. If my car ever left the garage like that, my mother's car would have grounded my car faster than you can say.

Kshitij L said...

Um. What can I say?

How are you Karen?

Woozie said...

That car has vazhin that waves in the wind like wizard sleeve.

KD13 said...

@ sudden_sue & suspect - yeah, it does leave you with nothing left to say. :D

@ glenn - :D Just grounded?

@ woozie - um... I have to confess I didn't understand a word of what you said. (Which I'm sure was your intention!)

Kshitij L said...

Take my suggestion: make this a soft porn bog!

KD13 said...

@ suspect - :D ... I'm sure you'd enjoy that but I think you already watch more than enough porn each day.
Watch any more and you won't be able to go anywhere without wondering why evey female there doesn't jump you!

Anonymous said...

Damn! wish I'd seen tis sooner.

It would have been a fascinating topic to talk abt last night.
Not so useful now.

But damn!

John, if u're readin this, any thoughts u'd like to share with the world?

Anonymous said...

Amy I'm betting that woman was single.

If she wasn't single before she did that , she sure as hell must have been single after!

P said...

That pic has been heavily stretched to fit on to the beetle. Had she managed to get an unmodified pic on the hood, I would have given her a thumbs up.

But as it stands, its nothing more than an attempt to invite criticism and in the world of art, that's like fodder.

P said...

Oh and btw, sleaze, sleaze - more sleaze! :)

KD13 said...

@ amy - that should teach you to religiously check my blog every morning and night.

@ john - are you trying to hint something to someone? :D

Woozie said...

Porn? I heard porn. Where is the porn?!? Where is it damnit?!?

KD13 said...

@ woozie - If I had to guess I'd say somewhere under your bed.
Or in a box at the back of your closet.
Or if you have your computer all to yourself, on the hard drive.


fedes said...

so she like had a bikini wax? yikes! wonder if it was worth it

KD13 said...

@ fedes - can you believe a certain friend of mine (male) was bitchin' that the pic was terrible cos she was too hairy!!!

I was speechless for once!

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it