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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Moi = IFFI delegate

I am officially a delegate for IFFI. That's the International Film Festival of India. Me. A delegate. I wonder who accepted my application. I wonder why they accepted it. I'd applied for myself and my dad at the last minute on a whim. Dad's application has been turned down. Again I wonder why.

Oh well, now I'm faced with bigger problems. The delegates can go watch movies for free. All well and good, unfortunately no one I know is a delegate this year. And as those who know me will vouch, I've never gone for a movie alone. At the same time there's no way I'm going to let that delegate pass go to waste, so guess this is going to be another first.

-> Stand in line with strangers.
-> Mournfully note that all the cute guys are accompanied by girls.
-> Ignore perverts who try and brush past unnecessarily close.
-> Glare at those who try to do more than brush past.
-> March into the theatre with the glare fixed to my face so that people don't think they can walk over me.
-> Search for spot between some women.
-> If I can't find a spot like that look for kids or guys my age or younger. They're easy to handle.
-> Avoid old men like the plague. You can never be sure what they're up to.
-> At the end of the movie wait for the crowd to thin out before leaving so as to avoid pinches and pokes.
-> Congratulate myself on having seen a movie alone.

Yeah... the benefits of being single...


Kshitij L said...

Girl, you are obsessed with perverted men. They're not all that bad. Come on.

Or are they?

KD13 said...

um... yes, the perverts are that bad.

If you mean are all guys like that.., of course not. Most guys aren't like that but even if only 2 out of 40 are like that they're probably going to zero in on a girl who's alone. And it takes just one to spoil the evening.

Anonymous said...

I hate going out alone too. Not just for movies. Pretty much anywhere... restaurants, shows,... even shopping.


Anonymous said...

karen, trust me when you glare at someone they'd be pretty drunk to mess with you. So go ahead and glare. And if they're drunk carry your pin.

Amy: you're neurotic. but we love you anyway.

kurt said...

think the govt could've done better at IFFI?
a friend of mine told me about your blog...

KD13 said...

Could the government have done better...

The organisers could have done better. You have to remember in the end it's the people on 'ground zero' who have to do the work properly everyday.

In my opinion the Government's greatest failure was in the publicity department. There are far too many people who come to Goa especially for the film festival, only to be turned away because they didn't apply for a delegate's pass in time.
Unfortunately that is when they first learn that they could have applied for the pass online, long before the festival...
That's like rubbing salt in their wounds...

iz said...

Wait till you get married. And long to watch a movie alone. A nice, girlie, tearjerking one.

KD13 said...

@ iz - well if i want to watch a movie alone I don't see why my 'not-better' half would object...
besides I HATE movies with sad endings and I rarely cry at the sad bits anyway. I cry at the happy sappy moments. You know, when people are reunited, misunderstandings resolved, etc. etc...

Anonymous said...

hey cool iffi delegate... how many movies u ended up seeing??...
pervert guys allright
but sometimes its good for gals to be alone ... its really hard for cute guys to go and "hi" someone who always has someone hanging around her....