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Friday, August 25, 2006

New Interests...

I've decided I need a new interest. I'm going to learn to play a 'game' of sorts. I'm not going to specify which one because though experts look very elegant as they 'play the game', the learning process is embarrassing for the person attempting to learn and hilarious for those watching. I don't want anyone turning up just to have a good laugh.

If I ever get the hang of it though I'll shout it out from the rooftops :D


Woozie said...

Try going to a shooting range. Automatic weapons are fun.

glenn said...

Interesting game !! when you're yelling from the rooftops be loud and clear then maybe we too can join in the game

KD13 said...

@ woozie - I've applied for a gun licence. :) Unfortunately here in India that licence has so many restrictions n conditions that it's pretty useless. Oh well, atleast soon I'll be able to own a gun of my own :D
Next step - find a shooting range if theres any such thing around.

@ glenn - Oh definately. Infact I have a lovely video of someone "playing the game" that I'm dying to put up. Let me just manage a couple of rounds n I will.